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August 2020


August 3   半沢直樹2  (第3話 視聴率 23.2%)

TV Program:     半沢直樹2
Broadcaster:     TBSテレビ
Date/Time:     from July 19, 2020  (every Sunday 21:00)
Highlights:     Episode 3
News link:    東網 (HKOnCC)     YahooJapan     蘋果日報 (AppleDaily)

Remarks (August 3, 2020):
With the high popularity (視聴率), wonder if this TV series will extend to have more episodes? 
If so, that will be great!  I can continue seeing Mitchy every Sunday for coming months .  The story of this TV series is very good.

Reporters did not exaggerate, 黒崎駿一 did have "hands-on action" to his staff several times in episode 3, the way it's presented had some comic effect .
Actually, in 半沢直樹 (2013), 黒崎駿一 did similar 'hands-on action' as well, just not as many times within one episode.







August 15   Mitchy's portrait

Remarks (August 15, 2020):
Thinking of you always... Mitchy (one & only)




August 15   人生最高レストラン

TV Program:     人生最高レストラン
Broadcaster:     TBSテレビ
Date/Time:     August 22, 2020  (23:30) 
News Link:     https://www.tbs.co.jp/tv/20200822_7114.html


Remarks (August 15, 2020):
I look forward to seeing Mitchy in this program (top restaurants) .  Fine dining is one of my favourite hobbies .

Do you know?  In the past (before 2013), I have been writing comments frequently on restaurants via "TopTable" (now rebrand as "OpenTable").
Some restaurants have been very happy with me because they became very popular afterwards.
I like travelling round the world.
I have been writing lots of comments on hotels in TripAdvisor (before 2015).  A portion of my audience are from "TopTable" and "TripAdvisor".
Other than fine dining & travelling, I also like high performance sports cars.  I like to drive fast, and I have taken the 'advance driving' course after I got my driving license when I was studying in the university.
Recent years, I have been very busy with setting up business in USA, so I have stopped writing comments in TripAdvisor, only share photos in my Facebook.

Remarks (August 22, 2020):
Very happy to see you (Mitchy) in this program.  Your lovely smile does brighten my day with happiness .
Would have been even better if the program is longer... 30 minutes is too short for 3 main topics.
Other than food, nice surprise that Mitchy talks about various other topics.
Best of all is... Mitchy does 100% of the talking in this program.

Remarks (September 5, 2020):
I enjoy this program very much (Mitchy).  I watched it again today.  Same as Mitchy, I do not eat spicy hot (辣) food  .






August 17   半沢直樹2  (第5話 視聴率 25.5%, 前回より2.6%増)

TV Program:     半沢直樹2
Broadcaster:     TBSテレビ
Date/Time:     from July 19, 2020  (every Sunday 21:00)
Highlights:     Episode 5
News links:


Remarks (August 17, 2020):
I enjoy watching this TV series very much, story is very good.  Main casts all have excellent acting skills.  I like most are the parts with Mitchy .








August 23   人生最高レストラン

TV Program:     人生最高レストラン
Broadcaster:     TBSテレビ
Date/Time:     August 22, 2020  (23:30) 
Photo Highlights:  http://www.mitsuhiro-oikawa.com/WebPages/News/2020/News_Aug2020.html#TBS20200822
News Link:    








August 30   Mitchy's remarks on 美輪明宏, 忌野清志郎

Mitchy (及川光博) Remarks:

News Link:   