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February 2020


February 6   ズキズキ (Purple Diamond Concert Tour 2019)

Remarks (February 6, 2020):
Song ズキズキ... first time I listened to this song was in Mitchy's Purple Diamond Concert Tour 2019.
I remember... during the concerts, I sang the 'la la la ...' part with Mitchy.
Very nice melody, although with sentimental feel. I like the words '恋のよろこび その代償に胸がズキズキ'.
Mitchy's eye expression... very well presented... especially when you sang the last couple lines of the song.
Mitchy (one & only) 愛してます






February 8   New Album 'Be My One' 2020

Album Release Date:   March 18, 2020
Album (CD+DVD) pre-order:   Amazon楽天市場 Rakuten

1: Purple Diamond
2: Q.I.D.
3: 未熟者にはわかるまい。
4: 悲しみで胸がいっぱい
6: ラブ・アンドロイド
7: Shake me, darlin’
8: 抱き枕
9: バラ色の人生<2020>

1: BE MY ONE [Music Video]
2: バラ色の人生<2020> [Music Video]
3: BE MY ONE [Music Video Making]


Remarks (February 8, 2020):

Nice surprise that Mitchy announced the new album 'Be My One' today (Feb 8th), 元宵節 2020 (Lunar Valentine's Day).
Very happy to see 'Purple Diamond' as the first song in the new album .
'Purple Diamond' is the iconic symbol of this website that I created for Mitchy in 2019.

Although this year's concert tour color theme is 'emerald'.  I will keep purple as this website's main color, as purple is Mitchy's favourite.

I like the album name 'Be My One'  .  So romantic .

I will be immigrating to USA very soon (a plan that I have made several years ago). 
A common question that friends ask me is...  ' After you move to USA?  Are you going to continue working in JP Morgan?  Or have your own business? '
Recently... I joked with them and said ... ' well, I might just follow Mitchy everywhere he goes... haha!  just like his own shadow '






February 9   Mitchy attended 木村拓哉 Concert

Mitchy attended Takuya's concert yesterday (Feb 8, 2020) at 東京國立代代木競技場.

News links:
東網: https://hk.on.cc/hk/bkn/cnt/entertainment/20200209/bkn-20200209123441720-0209_00862_001.html
蘋果日報:  https://hk.entertainment.appledaily.com/entertainment/20200209/6W6AQVRMGS7CSVI57VON4VO7FQ/


Remarks (February 9, 2020):
Very happy to see that HK newspapers are mentioning Mitchy more and more frequently .





February 12   Mitchy's photo

Remarks (February 12, 2020):
Mitchy's gesture matches very well with the new album 'Be My One' this year 2020
My thoughts are:  'Be your one... Be your darling'  ...




February 12   TV Program - Qさま

Mitchy has been recording TV Program Qさま today (Feb 12th).

TV Program:   Qさま
Broadcaster:   テレビ朝日
Release date:   March 9, 2020


Remarks (February 12, 2020):
Thinking back... first time I visited TV broadcaster in Japan was フジテレビ (Fuji TV).  I was only 8 (age). 
It was also my first time I went on vacation to Japan.
It would be interesting to watch Mitchy doing his recording (TV program, TV series, movie etc ) .

As for me, same as usual... normal work day in JP Morgan (Canary Wharf in London). 
Very stormy weather last weekend (strong wind over 60 mph and heavy rain). 
Luckily, Canary Wharf (where I live) has not been impacted by floods.




February 14   Happy Valentine's Day

Happy Valentine's Day... my darling Mitchy .   愛してます (one & only )

(see all the romantic hearts moving from top of this page... lots of love...)



February 14   Mitchy's Concert Tour 2020

On Valentine's Day, Mitchy announced his Concert Tour 2020 will be called 'Soul Traveller'

Remarks (February 14, 2020):

'Soul Traveller' is quite unusal concert name. 
If it is spelled as 'Sole Traveller', that will be me , as 'sole' means by oneself.  I fly to Japan each time by myself to attend Mitchy's events.

Song 'Be My One' has nice melody.  MTV highlights do bring out song words meaning.
Not keen on color 'green', light pale green might be better?
For public performance (eg concerts or TV shows), I prefer Mitchy without glasses.  For other times, with or without glasses are good.




February 23   Mitchy as special guest in '木村拓哉 Flow'

Program:  木村拓哉 Flow (supported by GYAO)
Date/Time:  March 1st, 8th, 15th, 22nd (2020)  at 11:30-11:55am
Broadcaster:  TOKYO FM をはじめとするJFN全国38局ネット  (https://www.tfm.co.jp/flow/)
News links:


Remarks (February 23, 2020):
Nice surprise that Mitchy made the announcement today Feb 23rd (Sunday) that he will be participating in Takuya's program 'Flow' .
Feb 23rd is a significant date... as it was the first time I posted about Mitchy in my Facebook 3 years ago (Feb 23, 2017) .

From the link, looks like it might not be just radio broadcast... can see as recorded video... would be good if can see Mitchy (not just listening to his voice).

Sounds like Mitchy and Takuya will be talking about TV series 'グランメゾン東京', 'A LIFE~愛しき人', 'アイムホーム' in the program.
I have watched all 3 of them.  So, will be able to understand very well.
'アイムホーム', I watched this one in December 2016 (ie before I first posted about Mitchy in my Facebook)
'A LIFE~愛しき人', I bought this TV series DVDs.
'グランメゾン東京', I watched this at 'real time' when it was released in Q4 2019.






February 28   Qさま

TV Program:   Qさま
Broadcaster:   テレビ朝日
Date/Time:   March 9, 2020 (20:30)
News link:  https://www.tv-asahi.co.jp/qsama/next/


Remarks (February 28, 2020):
I look forward to seeing Mitchy again .
For TV or radio broadcast, I prefer TV program more... as I can see Mitchy.  Not keen on radio broadcast, cannot see Mitchy's face.