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July 2020


July 1   王様のブランチ

TV Program:     王様のブランチ
Broadcaster:     TBSテレビ
Date/Time:     July 4, 2020  (12:00 - 14:00)

Remarks (July 1, 2020):
I look forward to watching Mitchy in this 'live' TV program again  (after 3 months 'lockdown' due to worldwide covid-19)

Remarks (July 4, 2020):
As this TV program was at 12pm Tokyo time (ie 4am London time), I set alarm clock to wake-up to watch your 'live' program.
Although you are no longer in your 20s, however, you still look very sweet and cute (especially when you smile) .
Mitchy, I feel happy when I see you with a happy face .





July 3   Mr.スーツマンSHOW

TV Program:     Mr.スーツマンSHOW
Broadcaster:     TBSテレビ
Date/Time:     July 4, 2020  (16:00)
News link:     https://topics.tbs.co.jp/article/detail/?id=9639

Remarks (July 3, 2020):
Mitchy's suit looks very stylish.  The purple lines on your jacket match well with your tie

Remarks (July 4, 2020):
I enjoyed watching this program.  The discussion (Q&A) makes me know more about Mitchy .





July 12   「半沢直樹 II」制作発表

TV Program:     「半沢直樹 II」制作発表
Broadcaster:     TBSテレビ
Date/Time:     July 12, 2020  (12:00-14:00)
News link:     Oricon     NatalieMu     東網 (HKOnCC)     蘋果日報 (AppleDaily)

Remarks (July 12, 2020):
Very happy to have joined today's TBS TV program "「半沢直樹」制作発表" with Mitchy and other main casts of upcoming TV series 半沢直樹 II.
This is the first time I participate in a 'live' TV broadcast show. Very enjoyable and exciting experience .
Can you see me in the group photo? I am in the top row, third one from the left.  Nice to see myself appear several times in the 'live' video.
I look forward to attending TV show again together with Mitchy in the soon future Mitchy.










July 15   ワールド極限ミステリー

TV Program:     ワールド極限ミステリー
Broadcaster:     TBSテレビ
Date/Time:     July 15, 2020  (19:00)
News link:   https://www.tbs.co.jp/tv/20200715_6C48.html

Remarks (July 15, 2020):
Clever Mitchy !  You made the right guess on why '店長' pretended to be a robber.
Mitchy looks cute when reminding the audience about his upcoming TV series 半沢直樹 II . 

Mitchy, I have chosen a ' full moon' photo highlight, one of your favourite view.
This program would even better if Mitchy talks more .




July 20   半沢直樹2  (初回視聴率は22%)

TV Program:     半沢直樹2
Broadcaster:     TBSテレビ
Highlights:     Episode 1
News link:   https://www.oricon.co.jp/article/1221354/

Remarks (July 20, 2020):
Congratulations Mitchy !  I look forward to seeing you in Episode 2.




July 20   この宇宙にあなたは一人しかいない (及川光博名言集)

Article:     この宇宙にあなたは一人しかいない (及川光博名言集) - Kindle 版
Purchase link:     Amazon

Remarks (July 20, 2020):
この宇宙にあなたは一人しかいない (及川光博名言集) was first released in March 2018.
Very happy to know that your book is now available in 'Amazon Kindle' version (July 2020).

I remember I published Mitchy's song "この宇宙にあなたは一人しかいない" in my Facebook in late January 2018, the book was then released couple months afterwards .
Mitchy (one & only)  愛してます





July 25   日立 世界ふしぎ発見

TV Program:     日立 世界ふしぎ発見
Broadcaster:     TBSテレビ
Date/Time:     July 25, 2020  (21:00)
News link:   https://www.tbs.co.jp/tv/20200725_6D90.html

Remarks (July 25, 2020):
Very happy to see you (Mitchy) on Saturday .  This is the first time I see Mitchy in historic type TV program.
Look forward to seeing you again tomorrow... "半沢直樹 2" episode 2 .





July 27   半沢直樹2  (第2話 視聴率 22.1%)

TV Program:     半沢直樹2
Broadcaster:     TBSテレビ
Date/Time:     from July 19, 2020  (every Sunday 21:00)
Highlights:     Episode 2
News link:   https://www.oricon.co.jp/news/2167882/full/

Remarks (July 27, 2020):
I like the story of this TV series very much.  Most enjoyable part, of course, is seeing Mitchy .




July 28   Cecilia's collection

Remarks (July 28, 2020):
My collection of Mitchy's Albums and TV series, movies, concert tours dvds .
Some TV series are out of stock, will get them when available.