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November 2020


November 2   'ゆくミッチーくるミッチー' Mitchy's Year-end Concert 2020

Event:     "ゆくミッチーくるミッチー" Year-end Concert 2020
Venue:     Line Cube Shibuya (渋谷公会堂)
Date/Time:     December 30, 2020 (16:45)
                      December 31, 2020 (15:15)
News link:    http://www.oikawa-mitsuhiro.com/live/

Remarks (November 2, 2020):
Very happy to see that Mitchy's official photo for year-end concert matches the one that I selected earlier on (white with blue tie) .
For clothes, white/cream color is one of my favourite color.
Although the concert's online broadcast might not be available overseas, I will still purchase the tickets (for both concerts)... just to support Mitchy .




November 4   Mitchy's interview (半沢直樹2, #リモラブ)

News date:     November 4, 2020
News link:    https://news.mynavi.jp/article/20201104-oikawamitsuhiro/

Remarks (November 4, 2020):
Indeed a good proof of Mitchy's acting skills ... being able to film 2 TV series (半沢直樹2, #リモラブ) in September at the same time.
I am same as Mitchy... I do not use SNS (text message) to chat, mainly too busy .
That's why my Facebook (https://www.facebook.com/cecilia.chow.714) is the only social media that friends can see my recent news.




November 5   スッキリ

TV Program:     スッキリ
Broadcaster:     日本テレビ
Date/Time:     November 5, 2020  (08:00 - 10:25)

Remarks (November 5, 2020):
Mitchy, nice tie, white matches well with the dark blue pattern .  I like your sweet eye wink .
Oh!  Your part is too short... only a few minutes... hmmm...





November 17   Mitchy Portrait (Sky PerfecTV "Ambassador")

Remarks (November 17, 2020):
my darling Prince Mitchy
Very happy to know that you will be ambassador for "Sky PerfecTV" スカパー!みんなのファン祭り from Nov 20, 2020 .




November 17   Sky PerfecTV  [スカパー!みんなのファン祭り]  Press Conference

TV Program:     [スカパー!みんなのファン祭り] 記者発表会
Broadcaster:     Sky PerfecTV
Date/Time:     November 17, 2020  (13:00 - 14:00)

Remarks (November 17, 2020):
Mitchy, this morning, I got up at 3:30am (London time) to attend your 'live' Press Conference .
Very happy to share the same moment with you during your talk .

I like your outfit very much.  Reminds me of my first encounter with you in Feb 2017, then your concert tour 'Funk a la Mode'.
Although you look good both with or without glasses, I still prefer you without glasses.

For next year's concert tour 'Soul Traveller' 2021, might be better to start slightly later (eg June)?  Or September, if you prefer cooler temperature.
With covid-19 vaccine become widely available, full occupancy in concert venue might be allowed later next year.
I look forward to flying to Japan again to see you (Mitchy) & attend your events/concerts in 2021.




TBS news (Nov 18, 2020)



FujiTV news (Nov 18, 2020)



[みんなのファン祭り] 記者発表会 - Video






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