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December 2021


December 1   Countdown Concert (December 2021) 

Event:     Countdown Concert 2021-2022
Venue:     Tokyo Line Cube Shibuya (東京 渋谷公会堂)
Date/Time:     December 31, 2021 (18:00)

Remarks (December 1, 2021):
Mitchy's black outfit reminds me of your role as 黑貓黎, first time I watch your TV series in late 2016 .
Japan just imposed restrictions to ban all foreign visitors from Nov 30, 2021 (covid variant Omicron).  I would certainly attend Mitchy's Countdown Concert in December 2021 if I can get tourist visa.
From the situation, unlikely Japan will allow foreign tourists next year. I hope Mitchy's Concert Tour next year (2022) will have some shows in Las Vegas or New York, then I will be able to attend .
I do wish to see Mitchy's live performance again soon... just like in 2019, I fly to Japan every weekend from London just to attend Mitchy's concerts.




December 2-3   『最愛』(episode 8 trailer)

TV Program:     「最愛」
Broadcaster:     TBSテレビ
Date/Time:     from October 15, 2021  (every Friday 22:00)
News link:     「最愛」Instagram

Remarks (December 2, 2021):
Mitchy has nose-bleed again in episode 7... hope he (後藤信介) will not be the next victim being harmed.
From episode 8 trailer, I saw Mitchy hammering... suitcase?  Wonder if he is trying to find out some secrets?

Remarks (December 3, 2021):
Mitchy.  The floor-to-ceiling glass window of the photo in Instagram looks so similar to my home.


view from Cecilia (webmaster) home




December 5-10   『最愛』(episode 9 trailer)

TV Program:     「最愛」
Broadcaster:     TBSテレビ
Date/Time:     from October 15, 2021  (every Friday 22:00)
News link:     「最愛」Twitter1     「最愛」Instagram     「最愛」Twitter2

Remarks (December 5, 2021):
Nice sunset photo by the harbour. 
Mitchy's typical posture, with one leg standing on something.  Just like in the concert, having one leg standing on the box by the stage edge.

Remarks (December 7, 2021):
This photo (with Mitchy lying on the floor) was from episode 8.  Hope 後藤信介 will recover from his stress in the next episode.

Remarks (December 9, 2021):
From episode 9 trailer, Mitchy in pyjama!  First time I see Mitchy (in pyjama) in TV series .




December 10   オオカミ少年

TV Program:     オオカミ少年
Broadcaster:     TBSテレビ
Date/Time:     December 10, 2021  (7pm)

Remarks (December 10, 2021):
Indeed amusing watching Mitchy's NGテイク !  I wish to see more.
It's good idea that the program shows both the OKテイク & NGテイク as comparison.




December 12   Mitchy's Concert Tour 2022 

Remarks (December 12, 2021):
My birthday is coming soon... I wish next year Mitchy's Concert Tour 2022 will have shows in Japan & USA.
Due to covid19 (omicron) situation, unlikely Japan will allow foreign tourists next year. I hope Mitchy's Concert Tour 2022 will have some shows in Las Vegas or New York, then I will be able to attend
A poster that I design for my wish to come true
In my poster design, the 'globe' is the symbol for both the upcoming MSG Sphere Las Vegas & Mitchy's song バラ色の人生 MTV.  Mitchy.




December 16   『最愛』(最終回 trailer)

TV Program:     「最愛」
Broadcaster:     TBSテレビ
Date/Time:     from October 15, 2021  (every Friday 22:00)

Remarks (December 16, 2021):
Mitchy's role as 後藤信介 in this TV series has a feel of 'double personality', portrayed by the 2 different symbolic costume style.
In the final episode 10, after the severe head injuries in episode 9, wonder which personlity 後藤信介 will be?
Regardless of the outcome, I enjoy seeing Mitchy in this TV series .




December 22-23   『最愛』最終回  Filming Completion Celebration

TV Program:     「最愛」
Broadcaster:     TBSテレビ
Date/Time:     October 15 - December 17 (2021) 
News link:     「最愛」Twitter (post 1)     「最愛」Instagram  「最愛」Twitter (post 2)

Remarks (December 22, 2021):
Mitchy... enjoyable seeing you in this TV series. 

Remarks (December 23, 2021):
Mitchy's waist looks very slim in this photo (with flowers).  




December 24   Mitchy's souvenir

Remarks (December 24, 2021):
Both Mitchy's pillow cases & clock have arrived my Tokyo address .
After I receive the Countdown Concert items, I will arrange all the items to be sent to my London address.




December 24   メリークリスマス

Remarks (December 24, 2021):
Mitchy's message was sent at 12:24pm (Tokyo time) on Dec 24, very meaningful greetings on Christmas Eve .
As I am in London, that's why the time shows 03:24am (London time is 9 hours difference).
Merry Christmas darling Mitchy !




December 30   Countdown Concert (December 2021) 

Event:     Countdown Concert 2021-2022
Venue:     Tokyo Line Cube Shibuya (東京 渋谷公会堂)
Date/Time:     December 31, 2021 (18:00)

Remarks (December 30, 2021):
Mitchy's Countdown Concert theme color is black & white.
I enhanced Mitchy's photo & change the background color from white to gold.
Very happy to see that Mitchy is now using black/white & gold as the upcoming concert's theme color
Wish you a successful happy concert! 


Mitchy's original photo




December 30   New Song - カルマスピード

Event:     New Song - カルマスピード
Release Date:     January 1, 2022

Remarks (December 30, 2021):
I look forward to Mitchy's new song

In my view, I think the song named as 'スピード' will match better with the lyrics .
I like your red outfit, red color brings good luck & prosperity to both your birthday & New Year 2022







December 30   Mitchy's Christmas photos

Remarks (December 30, 2021):
Happy Christmas!  I look forward to Mitchy's new songs.




December 31   Portrait in『最愛』

TV Program:     「最愛」
Broadcaster:     TBSテレビ
Date/Time:     from October 15, 2021  (every Friday 22:00)