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May 2021


May 2     木村拓哉 Flow  #144 「木村拓哉も欲しがる“幻のTシャツ”は誰のもとへ!?  白熱“大富豪”!」

Program:     「木村拓哉も欲しがる“幻のTシャツ”は誰のもとへ!?  白熱“大富豪”!」
Date/Time:     May 2, 2021  (12:00pm)
Video link:    木村拓哉 Flow  #144

Webmaster Remarks (May 2, 2021):
Very happy to see Mitchy won one round of the card games this time, and was then called '大富豪' .
From the program trailer, #145 will be my favourite topic... tasty food!  Mitchy will be cooking together with Takuya!
Mitchy, I would like to try your cooking .  I noticed that the chopsticks that Mitchy uses is exactly the same style as mine at home .




Webmaster Remarks (May 2, 2021):
aha!  The cooking chopsticks that Mitchy uses in the TV program is exactly same style as mine at home .




May 9     Magazine Article

Magazine:     JPrime
Date:     May 9, 2021




May 9     木村拓哉 Flow  #145 「木村拓哉、ベストパートナーとお弁当作り!」

Program:     「木村拓哉、ベストパートナーとお弁当作り!」
Date/Time:     May 9, 2021  (12:00pm)
Video link:    木村拓哉 Flow  #145

Webmaster Remarks (May 9, 2021):
Very exciting... seeing Mitchy preparing a meal (from start to completion) .
Both Mitchy and his good friend Takuya enjoys each other's cooking... I wish I was there to try the food !





May 12     TV CM  -  ビゲン 香りのヘアカラー

Event:    TV CM -  ビゲン 香りのヘアカラー
Release Date:     May 12, 2021

Webmaster Remarks (May 12, 2021):
I am quite surprised that Mitchy participates in this TV advertisement (白髪染) .
Regardless, good to see you Mitchy !  Your outfit gives a very gentleman feel.  Enjoyable listening to your 25 years career path summary.
Very happy to hear you speaking several words in English in this event.  私は毎日日本語を練習しています .



及川光博 - デビュ25周年のヒストリー、『ビゲン 香りのヘアカラー』新CM発表会 (May 12, 2021)






May 13     はやドキ!

TV Program:     はやドキ!
Broadcaster:     TBSテレビ
Date/Time:     May 13, 2021  (4:25am-6:00am)




May 13     ノンストップ!

TV Program:     ノンストップ!
Broadcaster:     フジテレビ
Date/Time:     May 13, 2021  (9:50am-11:25am)




May 22     25th Celebration (since album モラリティ release on May 29, 1996)

Webmaster Remarks (May 22, 2021):
Next week will be 及川光博 Celebration week ! 25th Celebration (since album モラリティ release on May 29, 1996).
Yes, I am currently writing all my sweet memories with Mitchy (from when I first know you in early 2017).
My wish has come true ! Mitchy will be in many programs this week, I can see you nearly everyday (my darling Mitchy).
I have Mitchy's concert tickets, however, Japan still does not allow foreign visitors to enter , will cheer for you from London.

'live' Concert at 名古屋-愛知県芸術劇場  (May 23, 2021)
TV series "ドラゴン桜 2"  (May 23, 2021)
TV program "マツコの知らない世界"  (May 25, 2021)
'live' Show "ヴァンサンカンNIGHT"  (May 26, 2021)
25周年アニバーサリーBOX『XXV』Release  (May 29, 2021)
TV program "王様のブランチ"  (May 29, 2021)
'live' Concert at 東京-渋谷公会堂  (May 29, 2021)
'live' Concert at 東京-渋谷公会堂  (May 30, 2021)
TV series "ドラゴン桜 2"  (May 30, 2021)




May 25     マツコの知らない世界

TV Program:     マツコの知らない世界
Broadcaster:     TBSテレビ
Date/Time:     May 25, 2021  (21:00)

Webmaster Remarks (May 25, 2021):
Very interesting program seeing Mitchy showing his favourite spaghetti
Mitchy, you look 可愛い when you spoke in English 'Don't think! Eat!'
I eat spaghetti, でも not too frequent.  I consume very small amount of starchy food (to keep my weight around 105 lbs).
Tomato sauce is nice, my favourite is with lots of garlic!  I do not eat cheese though. 





May 26     ヴァンサンカンNIGHT

Event:     ヴァンサンカンNIGHT (live show)
Date/Time:     May 26, 2021  (20:00)

Webmaster Remarks (May 26, 2021):
Very happy to see 及川光博 in today's "ヴァンサンカンNIGHT".
'live' show, has a nice closer feel, being together at the same time (Mitchy).
This screenshot was taken 30 seconds before the show starts... when I posted my remarks (see 'purple' circle).
I can see myself in the part 'ミッチーと一緒に踊っちゃいま SHOW', how exciting !
Most amusing is... Mitchy's answer to question "『愛と芸術の日々』のディスク3は、要するに何?" I like Mitchy's answer (on paper) to the question, made me burst into laughter .
Would have been even better if there are no words moving across the scene (the words are covering Mitchy's face a lot of the time).
Below is the video link which includes myself in the part 'ミッチーと一緒に踊っちゃいま SHOW'... see if you can find out where I am in the video ?







May 27     バゲット

TV Program:     バゲット
Broadcaster:     日本テレビ
Date/Time:     May 27, 2021  (10:25am)

Webmaster Remarks (May 27, 2021):
I like Mitchy's 'live' show very much... strong feel of being together at the same moment.  Mitchy.
I set the alarm clock to wake-up at 2am (London time in early morning) to watch this program.
Nice photos from Mitchy's new album - 25周年アニバーサリーBOX『XXV(ヴァンサンカン)』.  I have already pre-ordered it.




May 28     Daily Album Ranking

News:     Mitchy's new album  "25周年アニバーサリーBOX『XXV』"  rank number 1
News link:   https://www.oricon.co.jp/rank/ja/d/2021-05-28/?ref_cd=jstw007




May 29     王様のブランチ

TV Program:     王様のブランチ
Broadcaster:     TBSテレビ
Date/Time:     May 29, 2021  (09:30am)

Webmaster Remarks (May 29, 2021):
So romantic to start today's 'live' program with words '待たされる恋を'  (Mitchy).
A nice surprise to see myself in this program , does have a closer feel when watching the video ダンディ・ダンディ 2021 together with Mitchy at the same time.
This is the second time I appear in TBSテレビ, first time was 半沢直樹2 制作発表 in July 2020.
I like your sweet eye wink towards end of the program .





May 31     Qさま!!

TV Program:     Qさま!! 及川光博率いるアイドル軍団vsいとうあさこ率いるアイドルになれなかった軍団
Broadcaster:     テレビ朝日
Date/Time:     May 31, 2021  (20:30)

Webmaster Remarks (May 31, 2021):
Today is USA/UK holiday!  Enjoyable watching Mitchy during day-off .
I like Mitchy's happy look with excitement each time when you gain points after giving the right answer .
I wish you will continue appearing in TV programs frequently like previous week 'Debut 25th Celebration'.




May 31     及川光博が“隠れて貯金”する理由「心の安全」

News:     及川光博が“隠れて貯金”する理由「心の安全」
Date:     May 31, 2021
News link:    https://www.sponichi.co.jp/entertainment/news/2021/05/31/kiji/20210531s00041000304000c.html

Webmaster Remarks (May 31, 2021):
I did hear the comments '隠れて貯金' in Mitchy's TV program few days ago.
Good to know that Mitchy has good habit of saving money for peace of mind.  I have the same habit as well.
Although I am younger than Mitchy, both Mitchy & I can easily live on comfortably (many years ago) without having to work.
I am sure both Mitchy & I keep on working, just to do things we are interested in.