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June 2022


June 3   よんチャンTV

TV Program:     よんチャンTV
Broadcaster:     MBS テレビ
Date/Time:     June 3, 2022 (15:45)

Remarks (Jun 3, 2022):
Nice pose darling Mitchy with the cute toy car.
Very happy seeing you in this 'live' program, sharing the same moment together .




June 14   Music Watch

Radio Program:     Music Watch
Broadcaster:     α-STATION(エフエム京都)
Date/Time:     June 14, 2022 (19:00)




June 15   なるみ・岡村の過ぎるTV

TV Program:     なるみ・岡村の過ぎるTV
Broadcaster:     ABCテレビ
Date/Time:     June 20, 2022 (23:10)

Remarks (Jun 15, 2022):
Nice to see Mitchy's happy face


Remarks (Jun 20, 2022):
Enjoyable seeing Mitchy today .  Some parts of the program was indeed amusing !
Mitchy looks cute when eating the 抹茶 ice-cream, for green tea ice-cream, I like very strong matcha flavor.
Surprise to see Chinese food in the program, I like the 小籠包. 
I have already got your concert tickets for both shows in Osaka, and all the subsequent shows in July.  





Radio Program:     RADIO CONNECTOR
Broadcaster:     CROSS FM
Date/Time:     every Friday 23:00-24:00

Remarks (June 17, 2022):
A nice surprise to have an additional recording today.
Unusual phone recording... Mitchy said もしもし over the phone... the response was... unusual.
Song 願い, nice melody with sentimental feel though.


Remarks (June 25, 2022):
Mitchy's voice sound very cute & happy in today's recording .
Song 雨音 (album 夜想曲 2005), a sad love song.




June 25   Let's Dance☆コングラッチュレーション !!

YouTube link:     https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3oAj02pcux4
Publish Time:     June 25, 2022 (21:00)

Remarks (Jun 25, 2022):
Nice surprising response from Mitchy
I mentioned in my post (in facebook) about dancing with Mitchy, about 90 minutes before start of today's concert.
Mitchy published this video right after today's concert at 9pm in the evening.

Mitchy mentioned an English word 'Passion'.  I like this word .
Everytime I see darling Mitchy, I do feel as if back to teenage with energy & excitement, exactly the word Passion .

