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March 2024


March 1   New Album 2024 - 'Don't Think, POP'

Album Release Date:   April 24, 2024
Pre-order links:   Amazon     楽天ブックス     VictorEntertainment     7-Eleven     HMV

Remarks (March 1, 2024):
Indeed exciting news !  I look forward to your album release .





Remarks (March 1, 2024):
How come the posters at 7-eleven stores are using previous year 'Beat & Roses' photo?
I like red color... but it feels a bit strange when it's different from this year's 'sky blue' color theme.




March 1   Concert Tour 2024 - Don't Think, POP!!

Concert Tour 2024 Title:   Don't Think, POP!!


Remarks (March 1, 2024):
Very happy to know that Mitchy will be using 'sky blue' as this year's color theme !
The album design...  'sky blue & white'... matches well with my cartoon theme 'blue ドラえもん & white Snoopy'

Mitchy=ドラえもん  me= Snoopy 





March 12   スペシャルドラマ『グランメゾン東京』

Drama:     スペシャルドラマ『グランメゾン東京』
Broadcaster:     TBS テレビ
Release Date:     Winter 2024
Links:     https://www.tbs.co.jp/grandmaisontokyo/

Remarks (March 12, 2024):
Very happy to see the formal announcement of Mitchy's participation in this new TV drama with his good friend 木村拓哉.








March 14   ハッピーホワイトデー (Happy White Day)

Remarks (March 14, 2024):
same to you... darling Mitchy
ハッピーホワイトデー   my valentine (one & only).  See you again soon.
It's 8pm (13th evening) here in California when you sent the message at 12pm (14th) Tokyo time.






March 18   SOKUYAKU CM

Remarks (March 18, 2024):
Mitchy's shirt matches this year's Concert Tour 2024 color theme







March 20   New Song 'Amazing Love' mtv

Remarks (March 20, 2024):
wow! I like this song title !
Nice purple... Mitchy's favorite color.  I like the lyrics very much .
... but only Mitchy's cartoon figure in the mtv ... although I like watching cartoon, would be good if there is another version with Mitchy inside the mtv.







March 23   Concert Tour 2024

Remarks (March 23, 2024):
Nice surprise to see Mitchy's Concert Tour 2024 poster in Flying Postman Press.


FLYING POSTMAN PRESS 2024年4月号(東京版/名古屋版 page 16)




March 30   Mitchy's Portrait

Radio Program:     キラメキ✩ドレナージュ season14
Broadcaster:     Radio Connector
Date/Time:     March 29 to May 17, 2024 (every Friday 23:00)  except April 12, 2024

Remarks (March 30, 2024):
Although I cannot connect to this radio channel from outside Japan, I am sure your new songs are good.
From your new songs... your pose... I can feel your heart...
Mitchy  愛してます
I look forward to your new album & Concert Tour 2024.