My Diary...  ( May 21, 2024 )
photos (link) => Cecilia's new home in Dove Canyon

My Diary...  ( May 15, 2024 )
photos (link) => Golf Club in Dove Canyon   (May 2024)

My Diary...  ( April 16, 2024 )
My new home in Dove Canyon (California, USA)
photos (link) => Lake in Dove Canyon   (April 15, 2024)

My Diary...  ( April 10, 2024 )
My new home in Dove Canyon (California, USA)
photos (link) => Golf Course in Dove Canyon   (April 10, 2024)

My Diary...  ( February 10, 2024 )
photos (link) => Lunar New Year of Dragon   (February 10, 2024)

My Diary...  ( January 6, 2024 )
photos (link) => New Year 2024 Fireworks at Long Beach  (January 2024)

My Diary...  ( December 23, 2023 )
photos (link) => Christmas Boat Parade at Newport Beach  (December 2023)

My Diary...  ( November 26, 2023 )
photo (link) => Thanksgiving Celebration at Fleming's Steakhouse (Newport Beach)  (November 2023)

My Diary...  ( November 23, 2023 )
Happy Thanksgiving 2023 !
ドラえもん = Mitchy 黒猫黎 with magic        Snoopy = me
Private island... simple style 'back to nature', with lot of love & happiness .

My Diary...  ( June 12, 2023 )
My new toy (Mercedes E-class 450)
more photos (link) => Cecilia's new car in California USA (June 2023)

My Diary...  ( May 20, 2023 )
Wolfgang Puck (in photo) at Spago in Beverly Hills, the owner of michelin stars restaurant chain 'Wolfgang Puck' (30+ restaurants). 
When I had sashimi (appetizer) that day, I mentioned darling Mitchy (及川光博), they look forward to welcoming Mitchy to the restaurant.
more photos (link) => Spago at Beverly Hills

My Diary...  ( February 19, 2023 )
Sunny day view from my residence (Penthouse in Newfoundland Tower, Canary Wharf, London).
more photos (link) => Sunny day view

My Diary...  ( February 8, 2023 )
Amazing cloud view from my residence (Penthouse in Newfoundland Tower, Canary Wharf, London).
video (link) => Cloud view

My Diary...  ( January 28, 2023 )
New Year 2023, London fireworks view from my residence (Penthouse in Newfoundland Tower, Canary Wharf, London).
full size video (link) => New Year Day 2023 Fireworks

My Diary...  ( December 15, 2022 )
Snow view from my residence (Penthouse in Newfoundland Tower, Canary Wharf, London).
video (link) => Snow & Cloud view

My Diary...  ( October 15, 2022 )
Day/night view from my residence (Penthouse in Newfoundland Tower, Canary Wharf, London).
video (link) => Day/Night view

My Diary...  ( October 12, 2022 )
This plant is now 1 year old, with over 100 small ones.
I planted it in August 2021 when I first moved into Newfoundland Tower, using 3 small ones from my previous plant..
full size photo => Spider Plant 

My Diary...  ( August 15, 2022 )
Sunset view towards River Thames from my residence (Penthouse in Newfoundland Tower, Canary Wharf, London).
full size photos + video (link) => Sunset view

My Diary...  ( April 16 , 2022 )
My cherry tomato plant (5 months old) has many tomatoes, first one has just changed from green to red color.
full size photo (link) => Cherry Tomato plant at Newfoundland Tower (April 2022)

My Diary...  ( February 10 , 2022 )
sunset view from my Penthouse at Newfoundland Tower (Canary Wharf, London).
full size photo (link) => Newfoundland Tower Sunset view (February 2022)

My Diary...  ( January 30 , 2022 )
view of full moon from my Penthouse at Newfoundland Tower.
full size photo (link) => Newfoundland Tower Full Moon view (January 2022)

My Diary...  ( December 25, 2021 )
Night view from my Penthouse at Newfoundland Tower.
more photos (link) => Newfoundland Tower Night view (December 2021)

My Diary...  ( December 8, 2021 )
Christmas tree in NewFoundland Tower's main lobby.
more photos (link) => Christmas at Newfoundland Tower (December 2021)

My Diary...  ( December 5, 2021 )
Leisure walk by the lake (early autumn).
more photos (link) => Lake (autumn 2021)

My Diary...  ( November 25, 2021 )
Happy Thanksgiving 2021!  A festive celebration fill with love & happiness .
ドラえもん (黒猫黎 with magic) celebrates with Snoopy (me)
Snoopy's purple diamond necklace is in the box there also... no need to climb up the tall glass building (Mitchy's song 'Purple Diamond')

My Diary...  ( November 15, 2021 )
Photos took by myself in recent weeks, "autumn color theme". 
All the places are within 1.5 hours drive from my home in Canary Wharf (London).
more photos (link) => Autumn Colors 2021

My Diary...  ( September 6, 2021 )
Sunset view towards River Thames from my new home in 'NewFoundland Tower' (Canary Wharf, London).
I moved to 'NewFoundland Tower' in August 2021.
more photos of my new home (link) => NewFoundland Tower

My Diary...  ( January 6, 2021 )
Night view towards River Thames from my home.

My Diary...  ( December 15, 2020 )
Sunset view towards River Thames from my home (Penthouse in Landmark Tower, Canary Wharf, London) .

My Diary...  ( November 26, 2020 )
Today is USA Thanksgiving.  Happy Thanksgiving 2020 !
I started creating this cartoon every year after I know Mitchy .  Snoopy & Doraemon... theme of love & happiness.
I choose Snoopy as my logo here, can you guess why?  Snoopy is from USA.

My Diary...  ( November 6, 2020 )
View from both sides of the living room in my Penthouse in Canary Wharf (London).
Yesterday & today, such a big difference in the view. 
Fog/cloud view, compare to clear view of River Thames and bank buildings by the docks.
At present, only 12 degrees, too cold to stand outside on the balcony to take photos.

My Diary...  ( October 31, 2020 )
Indeed a nice surprise to me !  Halloween theme in today's Afternoon Tea.
The 'black cat' reminds me of Mitchy in TV series スミカスミレ 45歳若返った女.


My Diary...  ( May 16, 2020 )
Last year around this time, I have been flying from London to Tokyo every 2 weeks to attend Mitchy's concert tour 'Purple Diamond'. 
Sweet moments...

I am not going to return Mitchy's concert tickets 2020.  I want to keep them as souvenir.
I look forward to joining your Concert Tour 'Soul Traveler 2021' next year (spring).
Next year 2021, very likely that I will be flying from USA to Japan (instead of from UK) .

If international travel restrictions are lifted by October 2020, I will fly to Tokyo if you have gatherings.
See you soon... love you Mitchy

My Diary...  ( April 23, 2020 )
Here are some photos of my previous house (Surrey, London) that I lived in until December 2018. 
I moved to the current Penthouse (Canary Wharf, London) since January 2019.
From property size perspective, both properties are similar (4 bedrooms).  Previous one was about 3900 square feet.  Current one is about 2800 square feet.  Previous one has 2 garages, current one has 1 carpark.
From property value perspective, current Penthouse is 110% higher price (ie double price) when compare to my previous house, because it is next to the Investment Banks buildings.  Previous house was about 30 minutes drive to Canary Wharf.

my previous house in Surrey, London


Sauna Room in my previous house in Surrey, London

My Diary...  ( April 12, 2020 )
This Penthouse (Landmark Tower in Canary Wharf) is my temporary home before I move permanently to USA soon .

Due to covid-19 'lockdown' restrictions, I have to stay at home for this Easter long weekend.
For relaxation, I have been resting on my sofa in the living room, and listening to Mitchy's music .
As for exercises, I use the gym equipment inside my home. 
I wish the restriction will be lifted soon.  London city center is becoming too scarily quiet (with everything closed).

With the new restrictions imposed in Japan on April 6th, very happy that Mitchy is able to postpone April/May concerts.
I look forward to attending your concerts 'Soul Traveller' soon...  love you Mitchy ...  thinking of you always ...   


View towards River Thames from my Penthouse's living room


View towards River Thames from my Penthouse (Landmark Tower in Canary Wharf)
The living room, dining room and all the other bedrooms all face towards River Thames.


View from my main bedroom towards my office JP Morgan Investment Bank (purple circle) and the Docks.
Only my main bedroom and one side of the living room (and balcony) face this side.
When I go to work, about 10 minutes walk through the park.  The brown building between JP Morgan and the park is Morgan Stanley Bank.


Snoopy + Doraemon in my main bedroom.  Purple color... Mitchy's favourite color
Doraemon (with magic)... similar to Mitchy's 'black cat' with magic power in TV series 45歳若返った女.

My Diary...  ( March 5, 2020 )
Mitchy's new song 'Q.I.D'... letters 'Q.I.D.'... wonder what it stands for?  Could it be 'query identity (ID)' ?
Regardless... I look forward to listening to this song in Mitchy's new album 'Be My One' .

My Diary...  ( January 23, 2020 )
Mitchy looks cute in the photo... with Disney Mickey's 'ears' and gloves .  Love you Mitchy ...

'Emerald' is Mitchy's Concert Tour 2020 theme color... nice surprise! 
Echoes the 'green' color of my cartoon (below).
I will keep purple as the theme color for this website, because purple is Mitchy's favourite color.

My Diary...  ( November 28, 2019 )
Today is US Thanksgiving... Happy Thanksgiving !
The 'Thanksgiving' cartoon (Snoopy + Doraemon) that I made ... main theme is Happiness + Love .
I have been making similar cartoon every year since 2017 ( ie  after I know Mitchy  '愛してます' )

Do you like city or countryside?

Answer ( October 6, 2019 ):
I worked in Investment Bank in London (HSBC, then JP Morgan) since I started my career life after university.  As an Investment banker, of course, best to be in major cities like Manhattan, London, Tokyo etc... and I enjoy it very much.
I was born, grew up, educated and work in cosmopolitan cities, so I am a very city type person.  Afterall, I cannot let go my favourite hobby... fine dining... haha !
For vacation, depends... if for shopping, certainly in major cities.  But I also enjoy vacation in countryside (or private island).  To enjoy the quietness, 'back-to-nature' feel with lots of greens (trees), listening to the birds or waterfalls sound .

Do you like alcoholic drinks?

Answer ( October 15, 2019 ):
For pre-dinner drinks, I like cocktails (not sweet ones) or champagne.
I like wine with my dinner (especially red wine with steak). For Japanese cuisine, I always choose sake.
After dinner, I like either desert wine or port (but not essential).
If there is no alcoholic drinks, I will choose 'still' water instead of soft drinks.
For fruit juice, my favourite is grapefruit or watermelon for breakfast, mango juice during the day.

Have you done beauty surgery before?

Answer ( November 16, 2019 ):
Yes.  Both teeth and skin.
I have done 'teeth alignment' during my early teens (age 13).  And I have had laser treatment to whiten my teeth (many years ago, probably around 2010).  When I have time, I will do another procedure to 'whiten' my teeth (perfect to the level like Hollywood celebrity )
Long time ago, I liked 'tanned' skin and have been regularly in the sun to keep my 'tanned' skin color.  However, several years ago (early 2016), I began to realise the 'negative' impact to the skin from direct sun.  Since then, I have been very careful to avoid my face in contact with direct strong sun (especially after various skin treatments).
Since June 2016 (ie before I know Mitchy ) to December 2018, I have done more than 30 skin treatments ('sun-tanned' color removal, and skin rejuvenation).  Treatments include various lasers (eg Picosure, LED light NASA), skin peel, dermapen.  All treatments are American technology.

Do you control your diet?  What do you have for your meals?

Answer ( September 18, 2020 ):
Yes, I do.  Try to eat healthy food due to my sensitive stomach (cannot eat too much animal fat).
For breakfast, I have cereal with skim milk or oat porridge (made using water) or grapefruit.
For lunch, smoked salmon with salad or sashimi/sushi (raw fish only). Sometimes prawns or scallops with salad (not frequent, as shellfish contains high cholesterol).  Very small amount of salad dressing.
For dinner, each week one meal with red meat (beef/pork), 2 meals with lean meat (venison, chicken, turkey), other meals are mainly fish. Lots of vegetables (mainly steam).
Very small amount of starch (eg potatoes, rice, noodles, bread, spaghetti/pasta, batter made from flour).
Very seldom have butter or food made with butter (eg pastry, pies)
For fruits, mainly citrus type (eg berries, oranges, grapes, kiwi, pineapple). I seldom choose apples or bananas.
For drinks, mainly water only. Wine with meals. I do not drink soft-drinks. Seldom drink coffee/tea.

I do not eat spicy hot (eg chilli) and cheese.  Strong cheese can make me vomit.

My favourite food is fish, favourite fruit is mango, favourite vegetable is spinach & aubergine.

What do you do for leisure at home during covid-19 pandemic lockdown? 

Answer ( January 16, 2022 ):
In 2021, I plant cherry tomatoes and baby carrots from seeds (photo link => Cherry Tomato 2021  &  Baby Carrots 2021)
In 2022, when omicron (covid variant surge), I plant a new cherry tomato plant (photo link => Cherry Tomato 2022)
I choose crop type plants because flower blossom follow by fruit has prosperity meaning.







Selfie at home  (April 18, 2021)

This is the first time I take photos of myself using camera on tripod.
... in preparation of the upcoming 'selfie' video for Mitchy (及川光博) .





Selfie at home  (June 2021)

Although I have 及川光博 Concert Tour 2021 tickets for 8 shows, due to covid-19 international travel restrictions, I cannot attend.
Taking selfie at home to share moments with Mitchy .




Selfie at home  (July 2021)

View towards the financial center from my Penthouse in Landmark Tower (Canary Wharf, London).
Selfie at home using camera on tripod, after seeing Mitchy (及川光博) 'Soul Traveler 2021' concert photos .




Selfie at home  (August 2021)
I choose this outfit because 'purple' is Mitchy's favourite color .


Penthouse in Landmark Tower (Canary Wharf, London).
The same place when I took the selfie video for Mitchy's video (ミッチーと一緒に踊っちゃいまShow) .




Selfie at home  (January 1, 2022)

Penthouse in NewFoundland Tower (Canary Wharf, London)
I choose this outfit to match Mitchy's Countdown Concert color theme (black/white & gold)


My favourite concerts , with meaningful songs like Purple Diamond, QID, 初愛, Be My One, Shake Me Darling etc... so romantic...Mitchy
my trips to Japan in 2019 (link) => Purple Diamond Concert Tour
Hope Japan will allow foreign tourists again soon... then I can attend Mitchy's Groove Circus 2022 Concert tour.




Selfie at home  (December 2022)

Penthouse in NewFoundland Tower (Canary Wharf, London)
I took this selfie a few days before New Year 2023, as I will be flying to Japan to countdown with Mitchy


My favourite song is 'Congratulation', the lyrics of this song is very meaningful with a happy pace.
Finally, I can fly to Japan to celebrate Mitchy's birthday in October 2022 (when Japan opened door to foreign tourists after covid pandemic)




Me with friend's pet dog  (March 2023)
This photo was taken at friend's house (California, USA) during group gathering.




Selfie at home in California USA  (April 2023)
I choose light yellow knitwear & shoes to match Mitchy's upcoming Concert Tour 2023 color theme .




Cecilia's new toy in California USA (June 2023)
My new toy (Mercedes E-class 450)
 with super-light alloy wheels, 0 to 60 mph in 3.5 seconds




Thanksgiving Celebration at Fleming's Prime Steakhouse (November 2023)
This restaurant locates at Newport Beach (California, USA).
Only 10 minutes drive from my home.




 My home in California (USA), ready for Christmas (2023)
This is just my temporary house, until my main house is ready.
In the past, I have had many Christmas celebrations in USA before (in Florida, California & Hawaii).
But this year 2023 is the first year I celebrate Christmas here as American permanent resident.
I obtained my USA Resident Green Card by Investment Immigration.




Selfie at my new home in Dove Canyon, California USA  (May 2024)
I purchased this property recently  (4 bedrooms, 3 garage, 8300 sq ft land/lot).
Mitchy's Concert Tour 2024 color theme, sky blue.  Sky blue with white matches well with my Thanksgiving cartoons Doraemon & Snoopy
Me, being Snoopy, that's why I am wearing white trousers .

( more photos => Cecilia's new home in Dove Canyon )