WebMaster (Concert Tour 'Purple Diamond' 2019)

March 2019


March 30   Mitsuhiro Oikawa Concert Tour 2019   (埼玉 三郷市文化会館 大ホール)

It has been my great pleasure to join Mitchy’s first concert today. I have had a good time seeing Mitchy’s ’live’ performance 😊. The concert was very successful and Mitchy does look handsome and energetic.
I had a few nice surprises ... I received Mitchy’s DVDs for ハケン占い師アタル (from a fan I met in previous year concert). Also, I met some other fans... one of them gave me Mitchy’s stickers (see photo), very nice friendly people. I was very happy when I got a different seat with good direct view of Mitchy... it was front row upstairs in the centre part. Well... my wish is... next time I will have a seat closest to the stage.
I gave Mitchy a surprise as well ! I waited for him after the concert... I wonder if he saw me... ?
Mitchy, thank you very much for everything... love you (one & only) ... ...



Remarks (Mar 30, 2019):
Trucks with equipments for Mitchy's concert.  The car (black one) is the hotel car that drove me to the concert venue .
While I was taking the photo (around 1:25pm), Mitchy's car (not in this photo) arrived the venue .




Palace Hotel Tokyo, Japan
(view from my suite)




神楽坂前田 芳春庵 (東京・丸の内・大手町) (Houshunan, Tokyo, Japan)

Remarks (Mar 31, 2019):
This is a special menu (with 2 additional items I requested - abalone with shell and eel)


Gifts from the restaurant Houshunan




目黒川, 東京都 (Meguro River, Tokyo, Japan)




代々木公園, 東京都渋谷区 (Tokyo, Japan)

Remarks (Mar 31, 2019):
Why I chose 代々木公園? Because of Mitchy.
I mean his role as '代々木部長' in TV series 'ハケン占い師アタル' ...