WebMaster (Concert Tour 'Purple Diamond' 2019)

June 2019


June 1, 2 (2 shows)   Mitsuhiro Oikawa Concert Tour 2019   (東京 昭和女子大学 人見記念講堂)

Mitchy looks cool tonight (slim, fit and energetic) . The lights settings before the encore part is different... very nice. I do like the ‘heart-shape‘ added (together with Mitchy’s name).
Look forward to joining your concert again tomorrow (June 2, 2019).
Love you Mitchy (one & only) ... ...

An enjoyable concert dancing with Mitchy and all his fans. Tonight when Mitchy sang ‘ココロノヤミ’, he asked everyone to participate in singing one part. This is one of my favourite song. Although this song has ‘sentimental’ feel, I managed to hold back my emotions and tears.
These 2 nights concerts, I met some fans that I already know in the past, I also know some few friends. The one who sat next to me tonight can speak fluent English. Nice surprise ! I bought ‘pocketalk’, can chat easily with everyone in the future . After concert, 2 fans were very happy when I shared my front position with them, so that they can see Mitchy at closest distance when wave ‘bye bye‘ to him.
I will be flying back London tomorrow, look forward to seeing Mitchy again in Osaka shows ...




Remarks (June 1, 2019):
Trucks with equipments for Mitchy's concert. 





Palace Hotel Tokyo, Japan
(my suite with view towards Imperial Palace and Hibiya Park)




Disneyland, Tokyo, Japan




ひのきざか Hinokizaka (Michelin Star)  (Ritz Carlton Hotel, Tokyo, Japan)




鮨おちあい Sushi Ochiai (Ginza, Tokyo, Japan)