WebMaster (Concert Tour '踊って!Shangri-la' 2023)

May 27, 2023


May 27   Mitsuhiro Oikawa Concert Tour 2023   (埼玉 三郷市文化会館 )


2 weeks stay in Japan to attend Mitchy's concerts at 三郷市 and 八王子 (3 shows).
My vacation in Japan photos links:  Sightseeing     Restaurants


I have arrived Tokyo! Staying in the same hotel as usual (Palace Hotel Tokyo), excellent service.  Will be attending Mitchy Concert Tour 'Shangri-la' 2023 opening tomorrow (27th), also 2nd show (28th) and 3rd show (June 3rd). Will be in Tokyo for next few days, then next week will be staying by the lake at 富士山 area, then back to Tokyo for several days.  Surprisingly, Tokyo is even warmer than Los Angeles! It's 25 degrees in Tokyo, it's only 17 degrees recently in LA.



Today (May 27th) is Mitchy's first day of Concert Tour '踊って! Shangri-la' 2023  , at 埼玉 (三郷市), about 1 hour drive from my hotel.
My hotel car will be setting off to the concert venue soon (in 20 minutes).
I will be wearing light yellow shirt with square pattern (yellow to match Mitchy's concert theme color), and white trousers.
I look forward to seeing Mitchy's 'live' performance.



本日、及川光博コンサートの初日です(埼玉三郷市)、とても楽しかった。 Many fast songs for dancing! Great atmosphere  !
Surprise to see Arabian style costume in the beginning of the concert. I like the love songs '
初愛' and 'Wish', romantic with some sentimental feel. No doubt I am willing to change my life for you darling Mitchy.
I also like the song '
悲しみロケット2' very much, especially the lyrics 'さよなら unhappiness'.

Before the concert, 2 surprising incidents! Soon after my hotel car arrived, Mitchy's car arrived the venue! What a coincidence  !
I saw Mitchy (with light blue top), wonder if Mitchy saw my car? (black Mercedes v-class van with the name 'Palace Hotel Tokyo')
Incident 2 was... while I was waiting, a lady came to me and asked me to help her with her pom pom. I thought she is Mitchy fan, but while I helped her, she showed me photos of herself in Mitchy's TV series, she is actually an actress. I didn't recognise her as she had face mask on when she came to me. She asked me not to mention it to anyone, so, I won't say who she is. But that's a nice surprise!




Remarks (May 27, 2023):
My hotel car at 三郷市文化会館 car park.


I like this Concert Tour 2023 photobook very much. As it's only Mitchy's photos (and without glasses), exactly the way I like! Mitchy looks very handsome & stylish .