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Vacation - July to August 2023

Japan - Tokyo


One week stay in Japan (Tokyo) to attend Mitchy's final 2 concerts (2023) at 東京 昭和女子大学人見記念講堂.
webpage link:  及川光博 Concerts at 東京 (July 29th & July 30th in 2023)

Places that I have drinks & meals (webpage link):  restaurants (July/August 2023)



Palace Hotel Tokyo (Japan)

Remarks (August 2023):
Palace Hotel Tokyo, the same hotel as usual, each time when I fly to Japan to attend Mitchy's concerts.
View from my hotel suite towards Hibiya Park. 




国立新美術館 (Tokyo, Japan)

Remarks (August 2023):
I like the design of this 'glass' building.
There are many different exhibitions inside.  I chose the theme 'light' art work section.
Photos are allowed only in certain sections, the below piece is my favorite amongst all the display.




東京国立博物館 (Tokyo, Japan)

Remarks (August 2023):
The bonsai at the tea house (next to the museum) look very impressive.