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November 2019


November 2   'Purple Diamond Concert Tour 2019'

DVD / Blue-ray release date:  November 27, 2019
Blue-ray:   Amazon
DVD:        Amazon





November 3     日曜劇場「グランメゾン東京」episode 3

TV Program:     「グランメゾン東京」ナビ (episode 3)
Broadcaster:     TBSテレビ系
Date/Time:     November 3, 2019  (21:00)


Remarks (November 3, 2019):
Have had an enjoyable Sunday noon (12pm London time) watching this TV program
Mitchy looks smart wearing 'Psycho Bunny' ( USA - New York brand  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Psycho_Bunny ).

Good that the program listed the ingredients of some of the dishes, might try the receipe during leisure time.

The venison does look deliciously cooked... exactly the way I like... 'medium rare', red inside but no blood when cut it.  Yum! Yum!




November 8     「ぴったんこカン・カンスペシャル」

TV Program:     「ぴったんこカン・カンスペシャル」
Broadcaster:     TBSテレビ系
Date/Time:     November 8, 2019  (20:00)


Remarks (November 8, 2019):
  Start of the program... I was wondering if it's the same program... happy that it is a different one.
The show was about 30 minutes... quite good... even better if it's 1 hour.

oh... Mitchy did not participate in the exercise session this time.  Getting lazy ?
Mitchy looks cute when tasting the food !  How was the fish?  Good?  I mean the pastry... does it taste rich in butter?
The fish (with pastry on the outside) does look nice.
For daily 'eating', I tend to avoid animal fat (for healthy reason).  For fine dining, I am sure there will be 'animal fat' to give the nice flavor.




November 10     日曜劇場「グランメゾン東京」episode 4

TV Program:     「グランメゾン東京」ナビ (episode 4)
Broadcaster:     TBSテレビ系
Date/Time:     November 10, 2019  (21:00)


Remarks (November 10, 2019):
Restaurant pre-opening!  How exciting!
I enjoy watching this TV series very much.  Mitchy.  I will certainly purchase the dvd version ( just to show my support ).

In the past, I frequently write reviews in Toptable (Opentable) and TripAdvisor, both on restaurants and hotels.  This episode does recalls professional chefs asking me to try and comment on their 'newly created' dishes. 
Recent couple years, I have been busy preparing my immigration to USA, have not been writing reviews, only share the restaurant/hotel photos in my Facebook, but the audience/reporters who have been reading my reviews in the past are still around.

In my previous circle (Hong Kong), as I was closely 'related' in the circle... I do get both released version and 'pre-release' versions ( free of charge / no costs ) for concerts, movies, TV series etc...
But still, I purchase dvd release ( just to show my support ).




November 15     日曜劇場「グランメゾン東京」Interview



Remarks (November 15, 2019):
Would be even better with video clips of Mitchy at the filming studio ( eg when discuss scripts, amusing moments that require a 'retake' etc... )




November 15     Radio@Connector  「キラメキ☆ドレナージ」

Radio Program:     Radio@Connector 「キラメキ☆ドレナージ」
Broadcaster:    Cross FM
Date/Time:      (2019)  November 15, November 22, November 29, December 6, December 13  (23:00-24:00)


Remarks (November 15, 2019):
Happy to know that song 'バラ色の人生' was chosen.
Same song as my video for Mitchy's 50th birthday ( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-wtx-TRBg_c )
Nice surprise to hear English dialog just before the song
( DJ: Nice to see you.  Mitchy: to be continued )
Took me a while to guess why took photo of Mitchy's right hand
... would like to see photo of Mitchy's face or whole person.




November 17     日曜劇場「グランメゾン東京」episode 5

TV Program:     「グランメゾン東京」ナビ (episode 5)
Broadcaster:     TBSテレビ系
Date/Time:     November 17, 2019  (21:00)


Remarks (November 17, 2019):
I have got friends who own restaurants.  The challenges are similar.  It's a common thing in any career, competition increases as one moves upwards.
I like watching Mitchy and the other main casts cooking.  They do act like top professional chefs.  Wonder if any of them ever cook in real life ?
Mitchy looks cute with sweet smile .




November 22     'Purple Diamond' Concert Tour 2019 (dvd / blue-ray release)

DVD / Blue-ray release date:  November 27, 2019
Blue-ray:   Amazon
DVD:        Amazon


Remarks (November 22, 2019):
Happy that my wish has come true !  Received photo of Mitchy when I got home after work today.
You look very slim!  What's your current weight?  My weight is staying steady at 103 pounds (lbs).

I will be adding a new section 'My Diary' in 'Webmaster Blog' soon... 'My Diary' section will include brief description of what I have been doing in recent days.

Radio@Connector (CrossFM) played song モラリティー today. 
Same song as my first video for Mitchy's birthday in 2017 ( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XLuVX1teKQg ) .




November 24     日曜劇場「グランメゾン東京」episode 6

TV Program:     「グランメゾン東京」ナビ (episode 6)
Broadcaster:     TBSテレビ系
Date/Time:     November 24, 2019  (21:00)


Remarks (November 24, 2019):
Very happy to see Mitchy again on Sunday ...  even better if Mitchy visits London again soon... .
This time (once only), I have included portraits of some other main casts for all audience of this TV series.

Seafood... especially fish... is my favourite .
For fish, I like it either 'raw' (sashimi) or cooked (steam or pan-fried).
'Seared' style fish (raw inside, cooked outside) is ok but not my favourite.
For steam or pan-fried, I like it cooked just the right time (the inside just changed from raw to cooked, ie not over-cooked).




November 29     Radio@Connector  「キラメキ☆ドレナージ」

Radio Program:     Radio@Connector 「キラメキ☆ドレナージ」
Broadcaster:    Cross FM
Date/Time:      November 29, 2019  (23:00-24:00)


Remarks (November 30, 2019):
Song 初愛  reminds me the remarks that I wrote in Facebook in April 2019 after Mitchy's concert




November 30     王様のブランチ

TV Program:     王様のブランチ
Broadcaster:     TBSテレビ
Date/Time:     November 30, 2019  (9:30am)


Remarks (November 30, 2019):
Very happy that this is a 'live' show!  Feels like having 'facetime / skype' ...  watching TV together with Mitchy
The program started at 12:30am (London time).  Nice that Mitchy stayed for 1 hour.  Would be good if Mitchy does it more frequently .
I went to bed ... Zzzz... after Mitchy left the TV program at 1:30am.





November 30     Mitchy photo

Remarks (November 30, 2019):
Nice sweet suprise to receive Mitchy's photo in the morning (10am London time) soon after I woke up .
The message is indeed a good test of my Japanese!  Writing 'bon appetit' in Japanese!  'online translator' cannot translate it.  I recognise the meaning only when I tried to pronounce the words!
Look forward to watching 'Grand Maison Tokyo' episode 7 tomorrow (Dec 1, 2019)